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  • Preserving the blood vessel elasticity (EFSA - Flavonols)
  • Helps to normal blood circulation (EFSA - Flavonols)
  • Supports liver function, fat metabolism and normal levels of homocysteine (EFSA – Choline)
  • Healthy cocoa with high nutritional value 
  • Low fat (6,6 %)

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Ref. : NMJ030
EAN : 4041246500318
CNK : 3694379

32,93 €

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Our advantages :


Warm and healthy drink

Flavochino is rich in FLAVONOLS which hight nutritional quality, helps to preserve the elasticity of blood vessels and hepls to have a GOOD BLOOD CIRCULATION (health claim EFSA).

It's also source of:

  • magnesium & potassium to participate in the functioning of the NERVOUS SYSTEM (health claim EFSA).
  • choline for support LIVER FUNCTIONS, contribute to fat metabolism (health claim EFSA  – with 2 cups of Flavochino).

Le Flavochino has a high dietary fiber content and protein.

It contains xylitol, a sweetener obtained from plants, also known it as "sugar birch". Xylitol provides less calories than the traditional sugar – for safe tasting.


The 1st. inhabitants of South America consider cocoa as a gift from the gods to men. This warm and comforting drink awakens ENJOYABLE MEMORIES.

What is the best time to consume Flavochino?

As a snack for 10 o'clock or 4 o'clock. As a snack for 10h or 16h. Its beneficial action will face the daily aggressions (high in sugar or fat diet, high stress, ...).



Flavonols for good blood circulation

Our very sweet cocoa processing in Flavochino preserves the precious cocoa flavonols.

The daily consumption of one portion (3 teaspoons – 15 g) of Flavochino is  200 mg of cocoa  flavonols which helps to normal blood circulation. Flavochino is low fat (6,6 %).

Direction to use

  1. Dilute  15 g of Flavochino (±3 teaspoons) in ±50 ml of hot water.
  2. Add 150 ml of soymilk (calcium source), hot or cold.


Try Flavochino with AminoBase!


  • Low-fat cocoa powder (53%),
  • sweetener xylitol,
  • soy lecithin (9.5%),
  • acacia gum (soluble dietary fiber),
  • potassium carbonate,
  • magnesium carbonate,
  • cinnamon.
Average values for100 g1 portion*
Energy 1288 kJ / 314 kcal 438 kJ / 106 kcal (5%1)
- whose saturates
4,6g (6,6%1)
1,3g (6,3%1)
- whose sugar
9,9g (3,8%1)
3,9g (4,3%1)
Dietary Fibre 17,5g 3,4g
Protéines 12,3g 6,3g (12,7%1)
Salt 0,03g 0,15g (2,6%1)
Potassium 1675mg (84%2) 389mg (19%2)
Calcium 84mg (11%2) 193mg (24%2)
Magnesium 620mg (165%2) 150mg (40%2)
Choline 280mg 42mg
Cocoa Flavanols 280mg 255mg

*1 portion : 15g de poudre + 150ml de lait de soja avec du calcium + 50ml d'eau.
1Dose de référence pour un adulte (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal).
2Apports quotidiens de référence.

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  • Vegan


Data sheet

Reference NMJ030
Manufacturer Dr. Jacob‘s® Medical
EAN 4041246500318
CNK 3694379
Dosage form Powder
Quantity 450g
Certificat Vegan
Type of product Superfood
Type of therapy Nutritherapy
Intolerance Gluten FREE, Lactose FREE
Ingredient(s) Cocoa
For who? Women, Men

A question ? A specific need ? Contact our scientific team

Nos conseillers vous consacrent avec plaisir 10 minutes pour vous informer sur la posologie, l'usage et les indications de nos produits.
Pour des conseils plus privés ou au-delà de 10 minutes de conversation, nous vous invitons à souscrire à notre abonnement consultations nutrithérapeutes.

  • Anthony-Damien Désirée

    Anthony-Damien Désirée

    Doctorat en Biologie, Biochimie, Physiologie de la Nutrition (Université de Bourgogne, France)

    Lundi au vendredi de 14h00 à 16h30

    +33 (0)3 66 88 02 34 (France)

    +32 42 90 00 72 (Rest of the world)

    Contact par email (Réponse dans les 8 jours ouvrables)

  • Fabien Piasco

    Fabien Piasco

    D.E.S.S. en nutrition Alimentation fonctionnelle et santé (U. Laval, Ca)
    D.U. Nutrition et maladies métaboliques (U. Rennes I)
    Diététicien D.E. / Diplômé en neuro-nutrition (SiiN)

    Mardi : 14h00 à 19h00 • Jeudi : 9h00 à 12h00 & 13h00 à 19h00 • Vendredi : 9h00 à 12h00

    +33 (0)4 85 44 01 24 (France)

    Contact par email (Réponse dans les 8 jours ouvrables)

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